Friday, September 26, 2014

Your Loses Count For Nothing...

It’s not what you have lost that counts but what you’ve got left.
-           Bob Gass

Many people spend valuable time and energy that could be put into productive use, talking about what they were and/ or use to have some time back instead of looking for ways to better their lot at that particular point in time. They hold on tenaciously to their past and non- existent properties, resources or even successes that it hinders them from seeing right in front of their noses.

There is someone I know that is always referring to the days when he was a manager of a big Departmental Store and the amount of properties he had and I seriously used to wonder if the story was true considering his present predicament. I see no reason why one should get up there, fall down and want to remain down and only talking about when he used to be up. It seriously doesn’t make any sense to me.

People that engage in such hold- on- to- the- past attitude do so mainly for one reason; refusal to accept the reality on ground. They want to continue to live in a no- longer existent life. Such people find it hard to accept failure because they have a misconception about failing. And gosh, do they continue to fail!

“I get ‘am before no be property” is a saying in pidgin English meaning that whatever had been gotten and lost should not be counted, but only what is on ground. What is lost remains lost and should never be counted.

A father who had just lost a son will not write out ‘I had four children but one is dead’ when filling out Insurance form but will most definitely write, three children. That’s the way it should be with every other thing that is worth counting as possession. What you don’t have, you don’t count!

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