For hundreds of years, “seeing is believing” has been held with high regard especially by those we would easily refer to as doubting Thomases. This however had been countered by several experts to be “believing is seeing”.
It has been noted that every change in your life comes with changing your beliefs about yourself. Your positive growth and improvement will naturally come from changing your belief system about what you can or cannot do. Many claim they have changed their belief systems but keep on hanging to them by indulging continuously in those things that they have been doing.
The following points will guide you to see the need to and how to change your belief system.
· Work on your self – concept: Psychologists have said that your self concept is the total of all your beliefs. Everything you achieve or fail at is as a result of your self-concept. All of your attitudes, feelings and views about yourself and your surroundings make up your self-concept.
So whatever self-concept you build in the inside, whether limiting or uplifting, in such manner will you act on the outside. It will be as if you are acting on a set of facts. The truth is you are.
· Don’t always give in to expert opinion: We have many classic cases of expert opinions that turned out exactly opposite. For instance, Albert Einstein was sent home from school as a young man with a learning disability. His parents were told he could not be educated. His parents refused that judgment and he went on to obtain his doctorate degree before age twenty.
Thomas Edison was sent home from school in the sixth grade on the reason that it would be a waste of money to try and have him educated. His mother home-taught him and he went on to become the greatest inventor of modern age. There are many of such stories. Don’t always give in to such opinion.
· You are unique: Many times people are always caught in the web of drawing conclusions on their ability as a result of some other individual’s experience or out come in life that look exactly like theirs. Let me remind you that the fact that no two individuals, even identical twins, have same finger print is enough evidence for you to know that you are YOU.
It then brings me to another fact that negative habits are very easily picked up. If not, why do humans easily key in to self- limiting beliefs than to success stories? The fact that the other person whose situation is similar (note: similar can never be same) to yours has failed does not mean you must also. If you have, it is because you accepted it on the inside as a fact. You are YOU and YOU alone.
· Find a field you are an expert in: Look earnestly for something you can do; and do very well. There always is that field in which you are very good. Everybody is capable of achieving excellence in an area of life. You are however responsible in discovering this field that you have extraordinary talents in. You just need to tap into your ability pool and fetch out some of which you can use.
· Beliefs learned? Of course!: No man was born into this world with a belief system. All were acquired here by learning. The good news however is that whatever is learned can be unlearned. If you have belief systems that are self- limiting all you have to do is unlearn it. Motivation speaker John Mason’s book titled “Letting go of what is making you stop” aptly describes what you should do with such belief systems. Let go of them so you can have space for that which will lift you up.
· In every negative find a positive: This is the habit of successful people. No matter how a situation turns out, they always expect a good from it. They never fail to pick up a lesson from any of their experiences. Always, believe that something good is in the offing for you.