Man is so made that when anything fires his soul, impossibilities vanish.
- - Jean De La Fontaine
We're in the season of some of the greatest transitions of our time. Some good: a new year, a new and historic government (in the US), low interest rates. Some not so good feeling...layoffs, resource actions, mortgage and money challenges. Then there are the goal setters, the resolution makers and those who are fed up and had enough with where they are in their jobs, career and lives. It's the "ripe" time to look at the power of transitions to re-create joy, passion and excitement in your life and career.
More and more people are becoming open to the idea of change. They ask, "How could I make it work for me?" Well, certainly gaining a new perspective, experiencing more personal growth and the chance to have something different, is a good start. In a place of stagnation, just the mere thought of what could be can command worlds of energy and forces to line up to give you more of what you want. Why not take even one step toward what you're thinking about and just see what happens? Imagine...
John has toyed with the idea of writing a book for a long time. He questions whether he has the energy; commitment and concentration he needs to create what he most wants. Working with John, we explored how he could get a "taste" of what this could mean. John was willing to begin with blogging on his topic to get his creative juices flowing and test his commitment to sustaining his writing project. Using a free blogging service to contain his costs and feel more comfortable about the investment, he started slowly. Blogging proved to be challenging at first because of the time investment and need for fresh ideas to talk about. He realized that this was a good test of his commitment and also helped to sharpen his writing. As John continued and found his rhythm, he realized this was truly his calling and now had the evidence that this transition to his dream was now a reality. He is now actively building his plan and outline for his soon-to-be bestseller!
Are you willing to take one step, no matter how small, toward you greatest desire? Can you see and feel the action that will increase your energy, renew your passion and pump up your excitement?
In this season of transitions, take that one step and test the waters. You will find your path brighten and light up right before your eyes - I guarantee it!
What is that dream, that deepest held desire that you want to move to? Is it a new career, a new life, a new talent you want to develop, a hobby you want to make money with, a new way of being with friends, family, co-workers? Whatever it may be, identify just one step that can help you move towards it. See how it feels and what next steps "show up" as a result. Then lay out your path, create your roadmap and to transition successfully to all that you desire. (and deserve!)
Chris Makell is The Career Transitions Strategist if you've been laid off, recently promoted or ready to leave corporate. To learn what your next steps must be in this new economy, claim your free special report available at =>
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